Planning Economics & Reserves / Planning Space /Reserves

Oil & Gas Reserves Management Software

Ensure accurate data, minimize errors, and reduce risks. Stay SEC compliant with Planning Space Reserves a comprehensive enterprise platform enabling guaranteed reserves data integrity.
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Accelerate Workflows in Reserves Management

Simplify Complex Workflows

Get a 360-degree view of all corporate reserves across your organization with a full analysis. Gain an integrated analysis, streamlining asset tracking and management. Ensure accuracy in the financial and operational impact of reserves.

Eliminate Data Entry

Capture reserves and resource estimates automatically from volumetric calculations, reservoir simulations, and economic engines. This process ensures real-time accuracy while minimizing the need for manual data entry.

Leverage a Scalable System

Accommodating companies of all sizes—from small independents to international supermajors—around the world, operations manage billions of barrels of reserves with Planning Space Reserves.

Eliminate Errors and Easily Manage Reserves

Operators gain comprehensive analysis and reporting, integrating data from multiple sources across the organization to paint a complete picture of corporate reserves.

Engineer Your Way Out of a Downturn

Producers can improve the performance and profitability of their ongoing operations through a combination of increasing existing production, reducing operational costs, and improving forecasting.

Outperform with Multi-Source Integration

Capture reserves and resource estimates from volumetric calculations, reservoir simulations, economic engines and other sources including the system’s direct entry and editing.

Planning Space Reserves Key Features

Eliminate errors with purpose-built reporting designed for the energy industry.

Leverage a full audit trail and robust security features for greater control.

Assign limits and approve reserves changes to any volume with the change approval process.

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